Surveys conducted by Voluntary organizations revealed an alarming trend in drug / tobacco usage among the youth especially among the school going children of lower classes. The District Administration decided to intervene and save the youth by organizing a mass movement involving people from all walk of life with a vision for a 'Tobacco & Drugs Free Alappuzha'. As it requires involvement of each and every individual , it is decided to conduct meetings at different levels for formulating a strategy. For further details of meetings held, click here .....
On analyzing the inputs/feedbacks received from the above discussions it is reaffirmed that it is high time to act for saving the youth. Based on this an action plan was formulated. ‘VIMUKTI’ – ‘എന്റെ ആലപ്പുഴ പുകയില-മയക്കുമരുന്ന് വിമുക്ത ജില്ല ’ ( Tobacco & Drugs Free Alappuzha ), a name for the programme was selected. It is decided to begin the campaign on 31st May, the World No Tobacco Day by taking anti tobacco & anti-drug pledge and forming a human chain along the National Highway-47 from Kalavoor Junction to Medical College Hospital. For a detailed report please click here ...
The activities are broadly categorized at Student level, Government Employees level, Drivers Community and House Hold Level. All educational institutions in the district will be covered. Various Committees are constituted for the effective implementation and monitoring of the activities. For the details of the Committees click here.....
School Level :
Anti-Tobacco & Anti-drugs pledge was taken by students of all schools in the district on June 7th.
Health Club in charge teachers of all Government and Aided schools were given training. Training to all teachers would be imparted by these teachers in their schools. The Charge teacher in each school would be responsible for 'VIMUKTI' related activities in the school. He/She with the help of other teachers, PTA and experts would arrange awareness programmes / classes etc. An initiial survey among the students would be conducted and the reports would be submitted to 'VIMUKTI' monitoring cell. The Class teacher with the help of counselors would identify the children who use the tobacco or other such products and necessary measures would be taken for saving these children. Monthly Activity Reports in a given format should be submitted to the 'VIMUKTI' monitoring cell on last working day of every month. These reports would be analysed and remedial measures would be taken.
The District Panchayat had included 'VIMUKTI' as a module in 'VAZHIVETTAM', a hand book for SSLC students and their parents. DIET, Alappuzha had included this as a topic in their Teachers Training Programmes.
Drugs Free Campus
Campuses of all educational institutions in the district will be declared as 'Drugs Free Campuses'.
Government Offices
Awareness Trainings were imparted to employees of Ambalapuzha, Cherthala and Kuttanad Taluk Offices. A survey was also conducted among the emplyees of these offices.
'MUKTI' , a short film on 'VIMUKTI'
A tele film 'MUKTI' by Welfare Creations was released on August 6th in a function held at the Zilla Panchayat Seminar Nagar. The film will be used as an awareness creation tool in schools.
House-to-House Survey
A house to house survey will be conducted from September 27th by volunteers of Kudumbashree / ASHA / JPHN / Registered NGOs / Registered Volunteers.